We should not compare our version of success to someone else’s. In my opinion, success is a funny word that means and look different for everyone. While for some it might mean they have made a lot of money, some are successful with their high-powered jobs, some people are successful for the positive difference they have made in their community, for some others, it could be that they are simply living their best life and the life they intended.
It’s different from all of us, depending on our outlook on life, experiences, or just an idea. Whichever rocks your boat, do it! Have your own meaning of success, celebrate this and be determined to attain it.
Personally, I believe success is your lifestyle. A combination of your work, family, hobbies according to your personal values. I want to make a positive difference to the people I cross paths with, living each day ticking off my personal and business goals, taking care of my family and living by my own rules.