Blog Relaunch 2016
At long last, the website is up and I finally have the time to write about this episode of my life. It’s like a season finale – what’s coming on the next season is only seen in snippet.
Even though in my head I am 25 until further notice, at 30 I can proudly say I am finally embracing the woman I’ve always had the potential to be, and starting to catch up on those dreams I’ve been chasing the last 10-plus years. I’m excited to unveil my fashion blog eight years after the idea of starting a website, months of been offline and having an epiphany in December 2015.
I’ve always loved writing – from my days at Nigerian Navy Primary School scoring 49/50 in Hand Writing classes, to back in University when I used to put my love life, heartbreak and provoking thoughts into writing and my friend Zizi Oti pushed me to start a blog (, and then kicked off journalism professionally as an intern with FAB Magazine before I rebranded to and then later launched my personal website, I have really come a long way and I am more than grateful how far God has brought me, finding my path and doing what I love.
With the new design comes a refocus on the kind of content I would like to write about henceforth.
My redesigning goal was to create a website with valuable content and conversations about black oriented fashion; instead of a normal or default blog that just presented you a list of posts.
It’s been a while but I’m excited about getting back to sharing my fashion obsession with you, and can’t wait for your feedback, comments, recommendations for further improvements, and general reaction.
About turning 30 this year;
cheers to many more fabulous years, cheers to joking at myself, laughing at my mistakes, mocking my own flaws. That’s because I am the only one allowed to so.
I have become my greatest critic, my personal motivator, and my public relations manager.
I am now self-obsessed and don’t believe anyone can love me more than I love myself.
I am me!
I have learnt, experienced a lot and believe I have more fights ahead so I am prepared.
I put a positive spin on anything that is considered negative and immediately release anything or anyone that is not in harmony with my life and goals.
I have accepted that NO ONE is perfect and having faults is universal.
I now also understand perfection is not attainable. However, if you pursue it in moderation you will achieve excellence. And the key to achieving this lies in being happy. Nothing or no one can help you find happiness if you are not willing to surrender to life.
YOU too can have or be anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself and know that every good and generous thought, word and act makes a difference, in more ways than can ever be known.
Remove yourself from the company of people who project their unhappiness on you. Start your day with an optimistic approach and it will boost your productivity and facilitate healthy discussions and effective problem solving skills. Outline your goals and hold yourself accountable.
Challenge yourself to push through the doubts and the fears to get the ball rolling.
In everything, give thanks to GOD and keep him the closest to you.
A few Bible passages I have been adhering to lately – Deuteronomy 8:18, Romans 12:2, 1 Thessalonians 5;16-19, Proverbs 16;18, 2 Corithians 9:8, 2 Timothy 1:7, Hebrews 12;11, 1 Corithians 9:24, Mark 5;36, Ecclesiates 11:4, Proverbs 11;14, Phillipians 4:13
Photographed by:
Tope Horpload
Lady Biba